Ma boîte chat
I illustrated both the packaging and content of "Ma boîte chat", a cat-themed cardboard box containing a Book by Valérie Dramard on cat behaviour, a notebook and a small bookmark pad, published by Rustica Edition (Fr) in October 2016.

The bookmark pad contained in the box is a selection from "Mes marque-pages a colorier: chats", a bookmark pad containing 55 cat themed bookmarks with metallic gold fillings, published by Rustica Edition (Fr) in October 2016.
"Ma boîte chat"
"Ma boîte chat"
"Ma boîte chat" - detail

Listed below, the illustrations for the box, the pattern used as box lining and a little excerpt from the book's illustrations:
Box: top

Box: front

Box: back
Box: sides
Illustrations for Valérie Dramard's "10 leçons pour parler Chat"
Cat Pattern for Box lining
55 cat-themed bookmarks, in a mix of landscape and portrait format, for the  "Mes marque pages a colorier" series published by Rustica Editions, France. 
Below, a selection:

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